Friday, June 17, 2011

More and More an Iowan...

Got my official Iowa License this past week.  Talk about so not used to a driver's license that has so much going on on it. lol  It even has a raised signature, that is pretty neat.  I do not like the fact that it is flimsy.  Kentucky licenses are much more sturdy like a credit card.  Iowa I am not impressed with your  Another fact that I had to have a paper license and then my real one was sent in the mail.  You say for fraud purposes, well, in Kentucky we get our license in the same day and I don't think we have had any problems with fraud.  We have a design that is like a hold it in the light a certain way type deal to see the design, and it has worked just fine. lol

Another accomplishment of today.  I have an official mental health doctor here in the Quad Cities.  I guess it was time.  I have had so much trouble with getting meds from Kentucky and I must admit that I still need follow-ups from time to time and maybe even a change of medication.  (I think my meds made me gain some extra weight)  I honestly don't eat as much as I used to and I am still somewhat "heavy"  People may look at me and be like yea right, you look great, but I know what I am used to being and when I put on clothes that are fitting tighter than what they used to and I have been changing what I eat and starting to work out again, I just feel like that could be changed and maybe it is my medication.

I have been putting it off for the simple fact that I don't like change so much.  I have always been set in my ways and have never dealt with change well, especially after my daddy passed.  When I moved in with my boyfriend I had actually been so obsessed with things being the same and needing to feel like I was still daddy's lil girl that I had to have a two bedroom so that I could have "my room"  It was awful in a sense, but I was always comfortable in "my room"  So you must know how hard it was when I was making the decision to pick up and leave to come to Iowa.  This was such a big change.  But I felt like it was what I needed to do to get my life on track before I let my depression consume me. 

When I first moved here I had ran out of meds and my dr. back home had ran out of samples along with the pharmaceutical company not refilling as timely as they should.  I got really sick from not having my medication and held out as long as I could.  I thought my only option was to go to the emergency room at Genesis Hospital.  The mental health doctor there was horrible to me.  He fussed at me saying "if you are going to be living here you need to have a dr."  and "why didn't you go to community health rather than coming here?"  HEEEELLLLLOOOOO!!!! Does it sound like I am from here?  I had not even heard of community health care and surely didn't know where it was.  He acted like it was such a big deal because I came there.  Correct me if I am wrong, but if you are a mental health dr. and a patient is coming to you complaining of symptoms of severe depression times 10, wouldn't you think they would be more careful about how they speak to someone who is in a fragile mental state.  Honestly, if I knew my way around I would have found the nearest high top building and jumped.  That is how I felt.  I hadn't had meds in almost a week.  I was crying, having extreme mood swings, sleeping a lot, feeling nauseated... I felt horrible and all he could do was lecture me and talk to me like I was the scum of the earth because I came to the emergency room.

I am thankful that because I have come out with this platform of depression and suicide awareness that it has allowed me to build many contacts, including those in the mental health community.  With that being said, I was put in touch with a highly recommended psychiatric nurse practitioner just like from home.  My contacts knew of my problems because of my openess and I was comfortable being referred to their staff.  That brings much joy to my heart that I can find just as caring people in the Midwest that care about my well-being and they don't even know me.  I can now breathe with ease that I have an appointment set for August.  That is far off, but I will be able to get my prescriptions wrote out here and not have to have them mailed from Kentucky from my doctor where the pharmaceutical company mails them to.  I don't have to even wait for my appointment, all my doc has to do is fax a few notes with my prescriptions.

If anyone here in the Quad Cities area needs help finding the help they need for mental health, please feel free to contact Vera French, MJL Foundation, or myself.  There is more help around than you think there is and it is never hopeless because you can't afford to be helped.  There is help available no matter what you financial situation is.  Programs all around and people like Vera French and MJL that raise money for people in need who suffer from many forms of mental health, not just depression or suicidal thoughts...

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