Thursday, June 9, 2011


Ok...ok... I have decided to focus today's entry on something that may or may not be interesting to some of you and has a more uplifting feel.  But people that know me from back home may wonder why I call myself MissKy, I mean afterall, I was never THE Miss Ky or THE Miss Ky USA, but... after leaving Kentucky and holding the Miss KY International title for 2009, people naturally called me Miss KY. 

Imagine, and you Kentuckians know what I mean when I say, we have an accent that sticks out like a sore thumb, lol.  But just imagine leaving Kentucky to permanently stay in a state that is up north or in the midwest, some place that is not South by any means.  When I came to Iowa people thought I was speaking a foreign language.  It was kind of funny, but so very frustrating... ordering food in the drive thru, asking for directions, asking where something is at the store.  I remember going in to wal-mart when I first got here and asking where the pet food was.  I said it like three times.  The woman was like sorry honey I just can't understand you.  I said "THE PET SUPPLIES!" LOL!!!!  Then she says ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. I may have been better off going down every aisle in the store because that was a complete waste of time.  I mean, I am country but not that bad.  But I will say I am country and proud of it.

When I meet people they either say, "you aren't from here, are you?" or "where are you from?"  "You are definitely from the south"  As soon as I say Kentucky they more often than not say, well, Miss Kentucky, how are you?  Too many times people are as bad with names as I am and I guess they figure it is much easier.  Around here I am known as Miss Kentucky or that Kentucky Girl or that country girl.  It's ok.  I have embraced it.  I even got "Miss Ky" written in script on my right side.  Never thought I would be one to get a tattoo and many are surprised when I say I have one.  That will be the first and the last.  That was some painful stuff!!!  I have had people tell me it was just the location.  But forget that, I won't be going through that again.  Call me a punk or a sissy if you want to, lol.

As long as I live, I don't think I will be able to ever drop the accent.  It's not that I really want to either.  Leaving Kentucky has made me more appreciative of things back home, such as the excitement of Kentucky Basketball during March Madness (which I won the office pool this year by the way because nobody here had faith my cats would make it so far), the food (man you can't find too many things pickled or true sweet tea in these parts, nor can you find a variety of chicken places), people that understand what you are sayin when you say you are fixin or finna go somewhere or that someone is worsome (I think the correct term is worrisome or worrysome, spelling anyone?)  Back home we just throw it all together! LOL!  By the way, is Bubble Tea a midwestern thing?  Those tapioca "bubbles" are GROSS!!!!  I could laugh all day if I had to spend it asking people "bubbles or no bubbles?"  In Kentucky it is "Sweet or unsweet?"  I can't say I don't miss the weather either.  We don't stay warm year round and yes we get snow, but JEEEZ 20 and 30 below 0 windchills... I can't get used to that and it takes forever to warm up!!!!

So I end this by saying... I am Miss Ky because I am from Kentucky and I have a lot of Kentucky traditions and ways that will always be in me no matter where I go, including this good ol' country accent :)


  1. Do you have pictures of your Miss Kentucky tattoo? If so, never saw them! I'm glad to hear you're not trying to change, not even your accent.

  2. You know what, I don't have any pics of my tattoo. I might have to take one and post it!!! My girly pageant tattoo, lol :)
