Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ford Models!!!!!!!

First, I just want to say that I feel very blessed with every opportunity that I have been given in the past year thus far.  I in no way imagined that 2011 would be so awesome for me.  I was positive about wanting 2011 to be one of the best years yet, but I must say that this year has been exceptional.  From my new job, photoshoots, titles, pageants, modeling opportunities and speaking engagements to the community service.  I have had a couple of downfalls with a few deaths on both sides of the family and some issues with my mental health, but nothing that has been able to stop me from being able to prosper and keep moving forward.

If you didn't know, I was offered a test shoot with Ford Models scout/photographer Marc Tuscher.  If you don't know who this guy is, you HAVE to look him up.  He is awesome!!  Such a nice guy and knows his stuff and has an awesome eye.  I was in Des Moines on Sunday morning bright and early at 9am.  I was told to bring all types of clothing.  It was just four looks but... I had no idea what was in store for me.  When I arrived I laid out all my clothes I had brought and my what seemed like millions of shoes (I won't even tell you how many heels I brought).  He picked out all 4 of my looks.  I had a lil say in it that he made sure I liked what I was wearing.  I would have never put together those outfits that he did, but they were FABULOUS!!!!  I was dressed like a model.  The weather was a lil chilly but by the pics you would never know it.  So we packed up everything I was going to use and everything I wasn't and headed out to the car.  We were headed on location, whereever that was, because neither one of us were from the area and had no idea where we were headed... Quite interesting...

So we arrive at the Des Moines Register.  I was dressed in black leggings and a purple shirt.  Natural make-up, curly hair, gold peep toe shoes to match the gold that was on the chains on the shirt. I was a lil nervous in that I had never just worn tights and a shirt out like that.  But I was confident because it looked good with the weight I had lost which means my hard work is paying off!!!  We were inside of a bus stop.  Now you may be thinking really?  But when he kept telling me "beautiful" "big pretty smile" "great" and even showed me some of the pics, I was like "omg, really?"  They look very very awesome and some you wouldn't even know I was inside of a bus stop.  Except for the ones where I am on the bench...  But I was very pleased with the shots that he did show me and I tell ya, I can't wait to get the disc to see the final product!!!

Next change, yes in the back seat of a car, small tight space, I have been in smaller spaces... Super hot and super cold.  It's all part of the process and you gotta be quick.  Never want to waste time.  Next outfit, short khaki shorts, high wedge brown sandals, brown tank, brown pin striped blazer with a lil patch on the side chest like a harry potter or prep school jacket.  Never would have put it together and it was so cute!!  We were at a dead end where there was metal strips that were red and white striped to show it was a dead end and on the other side was a field.  Again, awesome photos.  I look so tall, but I guess because my legs are so long looking.  It sucked that it was chilly and I had on this little shorts and sandals, but again, you do what you got to do and pretend it is 75 degrees and sunny.  Mind over matter.  If you can't do it you will never make it in the industry.  And honestly, it could have been way colder than it was but it just wasn't.  So that made it a lil easier...  Just wait until you see these shots!!!!! A serious portfolio upgrade!!

Next stop around the corner, some type of company, not sure what they do and can't remember the name.  Their building was outlined in a royal blue and had some glass squared looking windows that only reflect and you can't see in, but we utilized the wall and then that part of the building in the background.  Skinny jeans, white tank, blue frilly peep toe heels that I had bought myself for my birthday the first year I was here for the blue and white party.  Too cute!  One of my fav pairs of shoes and I only wore them once.  I should have got the red ones too.  I paid a nice penny for them compared to what I usually pay for pumps, but hey, sometimes a girl wants a pair of pumps so bad she gotta have em.  I got my eye on some suede royal purple ones.  They will be in the wardrobe soon!!!

Now for the last look.  My what I like to call "Barbie dress"  I havn't been able to fit this dress in years and it is still cute.  This is also how I know my weight has really gone down.  It is a black fitted a-lind dress with a wide pink neck line and bow at the side of the neck and then a wide pink waist that goes all the way around.  Not a belt though.  We drove to a place that had these glass looking cubes that made a wall that was like an enclosure.  Neat is all I can say.  Wore it with black pumps because I feel the pink heels I have, none of the shades came close enough.  I felt like a lil girl and I know my mom will be excited about some of these pics.  She is a huge barbie fan, especially the vintage barbie and this is something like what the barbie in her day would have worn.  I will definitely be getting some of those pics to her.  He showed me some of them and they were "cute"

When that was done we were all done and there was more high fives!!! He said I rocked this shoot and I know I can't wait to see what all the pics look like.  I just hope that Ford Models NYC will be as impressed as he was.  Not really sure how it works when these companies get suggestions from scouts.  But we shall see!!!  So all in all I felt really great about the shoot and he made me feel better about it as much feed back as he was giving.  It did a lot for my model confidence in that I was easy to work with and took direction well and he was so excited about it.  I just pray that this is God's plan for me, well, one of them anyway :)

So I was pretty tired after it was all said and done and as you can imagine when I got home... it was bedtime.  A nap was way overdue.  I had been up since 5am!!!  I will tell you that this is the simplest shoot that I have done.  Everything was all natural, no jewelry, no accessories, and all I had to do was take direction.  I didn't even have to pick the outfits!! I loved it!!  Stay tuned for pics and updates!  I will have my disc around the end of October!!!  You won't want to miss this portfolio update!

I am so blessed to have received such a great opportunity.  Too bad I accidentally took the photographer's hat when I grabbed my clothes out of the car.  But not to worry!!! I texted him and let him know and he sent me an address to send it back.  Nothing like losing or misplacing your favorite accessory, like a hat or watch or pair of shoes... fav shirt... ya know.  I promise Marc, it will be in the mail soon!!! LOL!!

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