Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My Sister's Keeper

Recently, I redisovered my love for reading.  I had seen previews for this movie, "My Sister's Keeper" but always told myself I want to read the book and then see the movie.  Everyone always says that the book/books are always better than the movie.  The chances of me picking up the book though were slim to none, as anymore I don't consider myself a reader.  However, a lady at work had this book and asked me if I would like to borrow it.  I said yes, and really had good intentions on starting it right away, but it ended up sitting for a month.  One day in July on one of those OH MY GOD hot days I chose to stay inside and started to read.  I thought this book was just about a sister who was helping her sis out as a donor for bone marrow for leukemia.  It was so much more than that.  These parents actually had a child for the sole purpose of using her to donate whatever was needed whether it was blood or marrow for their daughter that was dying of leukemia.  This girl sued her parents for the rights to her own body and she was only 13 or 14 at the time.  It was very moving and very specific on what everyone in the family was going through during this difficult time, including the daughter who was the patient.  It was very graphic in describing her sickness.  I couldn't help but think about what my dad went through as a leukemia patient.  Sick for months on the chemo, okay one minute, puking your guts the next, the pain...

This book put a lot of things into perspective.  I had always wondered why I was never asked to be a donor for my dad, and I guess now I see why.  Too young to be in and out of the hospital as he was and having to deal with the pain of donating marrow and being pricked all the time.  I would have missed school a lot.  But honestly, I would have done anything for him if it meant him getting better.  He was my daddy regardless...  Things worked out in that my Uncle Tim was a match.  I was glad for that.

You are truly missing out if you only see the movie.  I was highly disappointed.  The only thing that remained the same was the fact there was a sister who had cancer.  The movie and the book had two TOTALLY different endings.  I won't ruin it if you have not read the book or seen the movie.  I think this was a good read even to educate me more on my platform of Leukemia and Lymphoma awareness.  I didn't get to witness all my dad's ups and downs of his treatment.  Well, I didn't get to see his downs.  Like I said, it put things in a whole new perspective for me in that it showed me the things I was not able to see, it only gave me more detail on some of the things that I had heard or that my dad had told me while he was sick.  I have a new outlook on this disease in that I feel like this book educated me more on what I did not know.  Leukemia is horrible and I hope I never have to experience it.  I want even more for someone to find a cure for it has dismantled the lives of many of have had to live with it and be around their loved ones who have it, and like me, who have lost someone very close with this disease.  You always live thinking that your parents will always be there and I was one of them.  It just makes you appreciate them that much more knowing a disease can just take their life in an instant.  I know that some of you out there know exactly what I mean.

For this reason, I am very strong about my platform and will continue to work with LLS to raise money to help find a cure and to help financially with the families who are unable to pay some of these very costly expenses associated with having a loved with one Leukemia or Lymphoma.  Please feel free to donate for this cause for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  You can donate under my team page, Team Hubert Jr. at  Our team goal is $100 but if we can raise more that would be great!  It feels good to do something in memory of my dad and helping others with this disease at the same time.

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